The Brief
Shipping isn’t just about moving packages, it’s about creating trust, clarity, and connection at every stage. Envia Todo exists to draw the right lines on the map, ensuring businesses can overcome obstacles and discover new opportunities. This brand celebrates the transformative power of logistics and its role as a trusted guide for companies aiming to grow.
The Solution
To bring Envia Todo to life, we created a brand that embodies clarity, confidence, and constant movement. Central to this is the Roadrunner, a spirited mascot that symbolizes speed, agility, and determination—qualities at the heart of Envia Todo’s mission. The mascot brings personality and energy to the brand, making it instantly relatable and memorable.
We paired this with a dynamic visual identity: a vibrant palette of greens and turquoise for energy and reliability, and clean, purposeful graphics that reinforce the brand’s promise of transparency.
Together, these elements ensure Envia Todo doesn’t just deliver packages but drives businesses to limitless destinations.
Creative Director: Manuel Llaguno
Lead Designer: Sara Alarcón
Lead Copywriter: Andrea De La Mora
Project Manager: Elvy Villaescusa
Illustrator: Gerardo Alba
Web Design, Branding, Digital
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